Bug from Build 2340 onwards

Until the build 2340, I used the ExpertRemove() function on OnTester() to reset all parameters and clear the RAM. However, from build 2340 onwards (now on Build 2361), this function has no effect and the metatrader started to consume RAM memory with each new test until it crashes.

How do I fix this? Is it a bug? If I can no longer call the ExpertRemove () function to clear all parameters, how can I do this, since my EA is relatively complex and uses a lot of report and database files?
Documentation on MQL5: Common Functions / ExpertRemove
Documentation on MQL5: Common Functions / ExpertRemove
  • www.mql5.com
//|                                            Test_ExpertRemove.mq5 | //|                        Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //|                                             https://www.mql5.com | //| Expert deinitialization function                                 |...
diogoacordi: metatrader started to consume RAM memory with each new test until it crashes. How do I fix this? Is it a bug?

Find your memory leak in your code, and fix it. It's a bug in your code.