Register from Seller back to Standard user is it possible?


Hello Moderators, i have a question, if i register as a seller, is it possible to change my profile back to standard user, if i decide one day to stop being a seller? Or is it possible to delete my profile if i want to stop using it?

And what about google search, is there a option to hide my profile from google search?


I don't know if it's possible to cancel a seller registration. I suppose yes if Metaquotes want to do it.

It's possible to delete an account. You have to ask to the ServiceDesk.

Nothing can be done about Google or search engine in general.


Hello Moderators, i have a question, if i register as a seller, is it possible to change my profile back to standard user, if i decide one day to stop being a seller? Or is it possible to delete my profile if i want to stop using it?

And what about google search, is there a option to hide my profile from google search?

As Alain suggested, you should contact the Service Desk for such matters.