Reversal fear leads me to loose on retracements - page 3


Really? Lets look at your sentences

"It can take years to become successful."

The day you said that I had earned 3000 points from my positions and it was not luck. And I am 3 months long trader. And this is 1/5 of the performance of the system in my mind. Which makes you wrong.

"You seem to be opening a new topic every-time half an idea pops into your head."

No I am just an enthusiastic who is willing to get benefit of experienced ones and whose enthusiasm is being tried to broken by older ones (obviously)

"stop looking now and forget all ideas of trading."

If I don't use my brain which organ should I use to be successful? It is not an impertinent implication, I am asking this seriosly.

So you don't believe that it can take years to become successful? Many people will not agree with you.

The day you said that I had earned 3000 points from my positions and it was not luck. And I am 3 months long trader. And this is 1/5 of the performance of the system in my mind. Which makes you wrong.

Congratulations, you had a profitable day. I am happy for you, but a single day does not make you a successful trader. Even the worst traders will have profitable days.

I said what i said earlier as you have opened multiple topics in the last week concerning different aspects of trading.

My advice is to concentrate on one thing at a time.

If you want to ignore that advice, that is fine by me.