12 Hour Local Time

This 24 hour server time format on the MT4 drives me nuts. Can you PLEASE offer 12 hour local PC time for the charts??
This 24 hour server time format on the MT4 drives me nuts. Can you PLEASE offer 12 hour local PC time for the charts??

Server time is your brokers current time that is used by your broker and can't possible be change to a local PC time right....

leapatenio: Can you PLEASE offer 12 hour local PC time for the charts??

Just write a function and show it.

Just typed. Not compiled, not tested.

#define  HR2400 86400 // = 24 * 3600 = 1440 * 60 = PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_D1)
uint        time(datetime when=0){        if(when == 0) when = TimeCurrent();
   return uint(when % HR2400);
datetime    date(datetime when=0){        if(when == 0) when = TimeCurrent();
   return datetime(when - time(when) );
string as_string_12(datetime when=0){     if(when == 0) when = TimeLocal();
   int sec = time(when);
   int hr  = sec / 3600, min = (sec - hr * 3600)/60; string meridiem="AM";
   if(hr >= 13){   hr -= 12; meridiem="PM"; }   // 1301= 1:01 PM
   else if (hr ==12)         meridiem="PM";     // 1201=12:01 PM
   else if(hr < 1) hr=12;                       // 0001=12:01 AM
   return StringFormat("%i:%2i %s", hr, min, meridiem);

Just typed. Not compiled, not tested.