Merge multiple fxt files into one big fxt file



I have some GBP/USD hourly tick data, 1 seperate fxt file for each year.

The file name in my tester/history folder is GBPUSD60_0.fxt and this specific one contains 2019 data.

The files of 2012,2013 etc have the same file name (GBPUSD60_0.fxt). Obviously I'm not going to move them to the same folder because they would overwrite each other .

I tried already renaming the non-2019 files (and I've put them in the same folder) but the tester always uses the GBPUSD60_0.fxt file ( as I've noticed in the journal tab) so I assume the file has to be named exactly that, unless I'm missing something.

Is there a way to merge all these files into 1 big fxt file, so I can test the whole 2012-2019 period (8 files) at once, or are there any other options to deal with this. 



Well you would have to verify and then append all data into one file but i believe these files make use of a header.


And also I have my doubts about a file of 18GB, I read somewhere there are limitations on fxt file-size, so I guess it might be easier to temporarily rename files and test them year by year.

Thanks :)


Have you solved this problem?

What I know now is 

1. The fxt file has a head, which contains info like broker, symbol, datasize, and so on.

2. After the head, is each tick. every tick data has same data size with time and price info.

What I'm not sure is the head structure.

There must be someone konws the head data structure, so software like Tickstory, StrategyQuant can generate tick data for both mt4 and mt5. Hope someone can provide such information to me.