Drop-down populates another drop-down.


Hello all!

I hope I'm posting it at the right place. I tried searching for it on the forum but it seems no one has tried to attempt this, I'm trying to populate one drop-down (as input) with another drop-down (as input). Has anyone been able to succeed in this? Or it's something I can only do after an EA has loaded? If that's the case, has anyone tried and succeeded?



Interesting . Unfortunately you get "Objects and arrays are not allowed in inputs" (in mq4 , guess its the same on mq5 ,will try it).

Theres a lot being upgraded in mt5 though ,would not be suprised if they added this , and input tabs (that'd be usefull too)

my humble attempt : 

enum animal_color
enum animal_size
class animal
animal_size Size;
animal_color Color;
//animal constructor 
animal(animal_size s,animal_color c){Size=s;Color=c;}
input animal Leopard(as_small,ac_leopard);//Leopard
Thanks for replying. So I can't dynamically create a dependent drop-down list. That sucks. I'll investigate this further and if I find a solution (or create one), I'll post it here. I wasn't trying to do anything crazy. Basically, based on the trading style (Scalping/Day Trading/Swing Trading) generate a second drop-down that would give you the associated strategies for that trade-style. 
Thanks for replying. So I can't dynamically create a dependent drop-down list. That sucks. I'll investigate this further and if I find a solution (or create one), I'll post it here. I wasn't trying to do anything crazy. Basically, based on the trading style (Scalping/Day Trading/Swing Trading) generate a second drop-down that would give you the associated strategies for that trade-style. 

Yes , a custom input screen might be what you need ,issue with that is that when you stop for settings and when you continue with existing settings is a bit fuzzy and must be clearly communicated to the user

Thanks for replying. So I can't dynamically create a dependent drop-down list. That sucks. I'll investigate this further and if I find a solution (or create one), I'll post it here. I wasn't trying to do anything crazy. Basically, based on the trading style (Scalping/Day Trading/Swing Trading) generate a second drop-down that would give you the associated strategies for that trade-style. 
You can create all what you want. But the "input" parameters in a code are fixed at compile time, not runtime. So, yes you have to build a custom solution to do what you are trying to do. Or use the input system as it is and forget about such details, as once you started with custom solution you will encounter more issues that can only be solved by more custom solutions. For example if your parameters are custom and dynamic, what will happen once you want to use the Strategy Tester to backtest or optimize ?
This makes me feel I should just use my broker's API and write the entire solution for custom handling of everything. But as you pointed out, it's the Strategy Tester where I definitely find value in MT4/MT5. Guess it's time to take a step back and rethink my approach here. Thanks for all the help.