Loop in script every 15 min



I have a script: for making screenshots. I want to run it automatically instead of clicking on the script. Does anyone know how I can change this script so it will run every 15 min? 

Thanks in advance. 

void OnStart()
   // if(TimeCurrent() >= D'2018.12.15'){
   //    MessageBox("Testing Period is finished!");
   //    return ;
   // }
   long chartId = ChartFirst();
   while(chartId != -1)
      string fileName = ChartSymbol(chartId) + "-M" + string(ChartPeriod(chartId))  + ".png" ;
      int width  = 1871;(int) ChartGetInteger(chartId, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS);
      int height = 871;(int) ChartGetInteger(chartId, CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);
        ChartScreenShot( chartId, fileName, width, height );
      chartId = ChartNext(chartId);
dMartijn Rikkert:


I have a script: for making screenshots. I want to run it automatically instead of clicking on the script. Does anyone know how I can change this script so it will run every 15 min? 

Thanks in advance. 

int OnStart(void)
     if(!EventSetTimer(15 * PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_M1)))
         Print("error setting timer : ",GetLastError());

And in OnTimer all logic

void OnTimer(void)
   // if(TimeCurrent() >= D'2018.12.15'){
   //    MessageBox("Testing Period is finished!");
   //    return ;
   // }
   long chartId = ChartFirst();
   while(chartId != -1)
      string fileName = ChartSymbol(chartId) + "-M" + string(ChartPeriod(chartId))  + ".png" ;
      int width  = 1871;(int) ChartGetInteger(chartId, CHART_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS);
      int height = 871;(int) ChartGetInteger(chartId, CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);
        ChartScreenShot( chartId, fileName, width, height );
      chartId = ChartNext(chartId);
did not try and did not compile

** sorry, of course OnStart and not OnInit. Updated source

Amir Yacoby:

And in OnTimer all logic

did not try and did not compile

** sorry, of course OnStart and not OnInit. Updated source

The script is still removing and itself

You have to make an ea and unse ontimer function