Please someone help

Please someone help. I can not copy any trader it says they are all using hedging. I talked with my broker they are allowing me to trade. Something is wrong. What can be wrong? Not everyone is hedging right? I use OANDA as my broker and I live in US
Please someone help. I can not copy any trader it says they are all using hedging. I talked with my broker they are allowing me to trade. Something is wrong. What can be wrong? Not everyone is hedging right? I use OANDA as my broker and I live in US

They don't have to actually perform/use hedging, the fact that they use a hedge account could preventing you from copy them with a netting account.

I suggest you to ask your broker for a course or seminar of "How to begin trading" or you can try asking my auntie Google
Eleni Anna Branou:

They don't have to actually perform/use hedging, the fact that they use a hedge account could preventing you from copy them with a netting account.

Thank you for your respond. The problem is he has many clients from US. I am the only one who can not follow him. The other people who follow him from US has to use netting account too. My broker said they allowed it and he has many clients from US. What else it can be a problem? 
Carl Schreiber:
I suggest you to ask your broker for a course or seminar of "How to begin trading" or you can try asking my auntie Google
You are very smart. Thank you for your help. 
Thank you for your respond. The problem is he has many clients from US. I am the only one who can not follow him. The other people who follow him from US has to use netting account too. My broker said they allowed it and he has many clients from US. What else it can be a problem? 

Ask the other US subscribers what broker/server setup they use.

I think your problem lies with your broker's _i suffix.

Are there any way in this website where I can meet with other people who is from US?