My experience with MQL5 VPS

My advice: 
be aware and examine the rules throughly ....

some points I that stroke me 

  1. User can at any time cancel the Rent and stop the rented terminal with __no refund__.
  2. Paid Rent canceled by a User is __not refunded__.
  3. __No DLLs__ are allowed on a Virtual terminal. There is no physical capacity to use DLLs there.
  4. User has __no physical (read: graphical) access__ to the rented terminal (NOTE: no remote desktop, no terminal access, you got simply LOG FILES only, no graphical view of the VPS)
  5. In order to control the rented Virtual terminal operation, a User can __receive__ Expert Advisors' and terminal's __logs__ as well as __load monitoring data__ via MetaTrader client terminal.
  • The user can move MQL5 VPS from one trading account to an other, and from one VPS server to the other one  - post #2
  • If the user can cancel a paid subscription, the remaining time is returned to his account in the form of "free" minutes. Which later can be spent on a new subscription "for minutes" - post #919 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Pros and cons of VPS at

MetaQuotes Software Corp. , 2018.11.04 13:15

And this is the information about ping - 

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Pros and cons of VPS at

MetaQuotes Software Corp. , 2018.11.04 13:59

Enter the name of your broker's trading server to get an estimate of network delays:
Move VPS from one MT4 trade account to another
Move VPS from one MT4 trade account to another
  • 2017.03.09
I have been testing using two demo accounts and two virtual servers at a cost of $10usd a month...