Can anyone think of a solution for this?


This is a bollinger band with -4 offset. The idea is that we sell when it hits the top and buy when it hits the bottom.

For some reason this looks way too perfect. Problem is... It will never actually trigger a trade because of the -4 offset. Price has nothing to come in contact with.

Is there a way to trade something like this?

Any suggestions or words of wisdom would be much appreciated!


You will get a signal with 4 candles of delay, it will be too late.

It's so easy create indicators that shift calculation or use future prices to do calcs, but they are only beautiful to see, not usefull to use.


yeah the whole problem is the delay

the same goes for MAs. If we had a 4 bar view of the future it would be easy...

Jean Francois Le Bas:

yeah the whole problem is the delay

the same goes for MAs. If we had a 4 bar view of the future it would be easy...

take -4 instaed of 4 ;-) 


u need to :

1. use iCustom() function and point them to bollinger band

2. use the value in if else statement 

upper_CB1 = NormalizeDouble(iCustom(Symbol(),0,"BandsClose",InpBandsPeriod1,InpBandsShift1,InpBandsDeviations1,PRICE_CLOSE,1,i),Poin);

if (High[i] > upper_CB1) {  some parameter } // if upper_CB1 lower then current high