I want to know what are condition for this indicator


i Have an indicator which is so good in detecting the buy and sell signal.

I want to use in EA using iCustom function..

This one indicator for H1 is very good for manual trade. can any one help me to convert this in EA.

double ST1 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "ArrZZx2", xxxxx, xxxxx,xx, xxxxx);   
double ST2 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "ArrZZx2", xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx, xx, xxxxxx);
Close1 = iClose(NULL, xxxxx, xxxx);
Close2 = iClose(NULL, xxxxx, xxxx);
bool buy  = ((xxx<xxxx) && (xxxxx < xxxxxxx) ;
bool sell = ((xxx>xxxxx) && (xxxx > xxxxx) ;

can any tell me what to put in place of xxxxxxx to use this indicator as an ea

I have attached the Indicator Code//+------------+-----------------------------------------------------+

//| v.22.04.07 |                                         ArrZZx2.mq4 |
//+------------+                                                     |
//|------------|              Bookkeeper, 2007, yuzefovich@gmail.com |
#property copyright ""
#property link      "http://www.forexter.land.ru/indicators.htm"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 8
#property indicator_color1  Yellow
#property indicator_color2  RoyalBlue
#property indicator_color3  Blue
#property indicator_color4  Blue
#property indicator_color5  Blue
#property indicator_color6  Red
#property indicator_color7  Blue
#property indicator_color8  Red
extern int    SR     =3;  // =3..4
extern int    SRZZ   =12; // =4..12..20
extern int    MainRZZ=20; // =12..20..54...
extern int    FP     =21;
extern int    SMF    =3;  // =1..5
extern bool   DrawZZ =false;
extern int    PriceConst=0; // 0 - Close
                            // 1 - Open
                            // 2 - High
                            // 3 - Low
                            // 4 - (H+L)/2
                            // 5 - (H+L+C)/3
                            // 6 - (H+L+2*C)/4
//extern string Prefix="ArrZZx2"; 
double        Lmt[];
double        LZZ[];
double        SA[];
double        SM[];
double        Up[];
double        Dn[];
double        pUp[];
double        pDn[];
int LTF[6]={0,0,0,0,0,0},STF[5]={0,0,0,0,0}; 
int MaxBar, nSBZZ, nLBZZ, SBZZ, LBZZ;
bool First=true;
int prevBars=0;
void MainCalculation(int Pos) {
if((Bars-Pos)>(SR+1)) SACalc(Pos); else SA[Pos]=0; 
if((Bars-Pos)>(FP+SR+2)) SMCalc(Pos); else SM[Pos]=0; return; }
void SACalc(int Pos) { int sw, i, w, ww, Shift; double sum; 
switch(PriceConst) {
case  0: 
case  1: 
/*case  2: 
case  3: 
case  4: 
case  5: 
case  6: 
  break; }
for(Shift=Pos+SR+2;Shift>Pos;Shift--) { sum=0.0; sw=0; i=0; w=Shift+SR;
ww=Shift-SR; if(ww<Pos) ww=Pos;
while(w>=Shift) {i++; sum=sum+i*SnakePrice(w); sw=sw+i; w--; }
while(w>=ww) { i--; sum=sum+i*SnakePrice(w); sw=sw+i; w--; }
SA[Shift]=sum/sw; } return; }
double SnakePrice(int Shift) {
switch(PriceConst) {
   case  0: return(Close[Shift]);
   case  1: return(Open[Shift]);
   /*case  2: return(High[Shift]);
   case  3: return(Low[Shift]);*/
   case  4: return((High[Shift]+Low[Shift])/2);
   case  5: return((Close[Shift]+High[Shift]+Low[Shift])/3);
   case  6: return((2*Close[Shift]+High[Shift]+Low[Shift])/4);
   default: return(Open[Shift]); } }
void SMCalc(int i) { double t, b;
for(int Shift=i+SR+2;Shift>=i;Shift--) {
t=SA[ArrayMaximum(SA,FP,Shift)]; b=SA[ArrayMinimum(SA,FP,Shift)];
SM[Shift]=(2*(2+SMF)*SA[Shift]-(t+b))/2/(1+SMF); } return; }
void LZZCalc(int Pos) { 
int i,RBar,LBar,ZZ,NZZ,NZig,NZag; 
i=Pos-1; NZig=0; NZag=0;
while(i<MaxBar && ZZ==0) { i++; LZZ[i]=0; RBar=i-MainRZZ; 
if(RBar<Pos) RBar=Pos; LBar=i+MainRZZ;
if(i==ArrayMinimum(SM,LBar-RBar+1,RBar)) { ZZ=-1; NZig=i; }
if(i==ArrayMaximum(SM,LBar-RBar+1,RBar)) { ZZ=1;NZag=i; } }
if(ZZ==0) return; NZZ=0;
if(i>Pos) { if(SM[i]>SM[Pos]) { if(ZZ==1) {
if(i>=Pos+MainRZZ && NZZ<5) { NZZ++; LTF[NZZ]=i; } NZag=i; 
LZZ[i]=SM[i]; } }
else { if(ZZ==-1) { if(i>=Pos+MainRZZ && NZZ<5) { NZZ++; LTF[NZZ]=i; }
NZig=i; LZZ[i]=SM[i]; } } }
while(i<LBZZ || NZZ<5) {  LZZ[i]=0; RBar=i-MainRZZ; 
if(RBar<Pos) RBar=Pos; LBar=i+MainRZZ;
if(i==ArrayMinimum(SM,LBar-RBar+1,RBar)) {
if(ZZ==-1 && SM[i]<SM[NZig]) { 
if(i>=Pos+MainRZZ && NZZ<5) LTF[NZZ]=i; LZZ[NZig]=0; LZZ[i]=SM[i]; 
NZig=i; }
if(ZZ==1) { if(i>=Pos+MainRZZ && NZZ<5) { NZZ++; LTF[NZZ]=i; } 
LZZ[i]=SM[i]; ZZ=-1; NZig=i; } }
if(i==ArrayMaximum(SM,LBar-RBar+1,RBar)) {
if(ZZ==1 && SM[i]>SM[NZag]) { 
if(i>=Pos+MainRZZ && NZZ<5) LTF[NZZ]=i; LZZ[NZag]=0; LZZ[i]=SM[i]; 
NZag=i; }
if(ZZ==-1) { if(i>=Pos+MainRZZ && NZZ<5) { NZZ++; LTF[NZZ]=i; } 
LZZ[i]=SM[i]; ZZ=1; NZag=i; } } i++; if(i>MaxBar) return; } 
nLBZZ=Bars-LTF[5]; LZZ[Pos]=SM[Pos]; return; }
void SZZCalc(int Pos) { 
int i,RBar,LBar,ZZ,NZZ,NZig,NZag; 
i=Pos-1; NZig=0; NZag=0;
while(i<=LBZZ && ZZ==0) { i++; pDn[i]=0; pUp[i]=0; Dn[i]=0; Up[i]=0; 
Lmt[i]=0; RBar=i-SRZZ; if(RBar<Pos) RBar=Pos; LBar=i+SRZZ;
if(i==ArrayMinimum(SM,LBar-RBar+1,RBar)) { ZZ=-1; NZig=i; }
if(i==ArrayMaximum(SM,LBar-RBar+1,RBar)) { ZZ=1; NZag=i; } }
if(ZZ==0) return; NZZ=0;
if(i>Pos) { if(SM[i]>SM[Pos]) { if(ZZ==1) {
if(i>=Pos+SRZZ && NZZ<4) { NZZ++; STF[NZZ]=i; } NZag=i; 
Dn[i-1]=Open[i-1]; } }
else { if(ZZ==-1) { if(i>=Pos+SRZZ && NZZ<4) { NZZ++; STF[NZZ]=i; }
NZig=i; Up[i-1]=Open[i-1]; } } }
while(i<=LBZZ || NZZ<4) { pDn[i]=0; pUp[i]=0; Dn[i]=0; Up[i]=0; 
Lmt[i]=0; RBar=i-SRZZ; if(RBar<Pos) RBar=Pos; LBar=i+SRZZ;
if(i==ArrayMinimum(SM,LBar-RBar+1,RBar)) {
if(ZZ==-1 && SM[i]<SM[NZig]) { 
if(i>=Pos+SRZZ && NZZ<4) STF[NZZ]=i; Up[NZig-1]=0; Up[i-1]=Open[i-1]; 
NZig=i; } if(ZZ==1) { if(i>=Pos+SRZZ && NZZ<4) { NZZ++; STF[NZZ]=i; } 
Up[i-1]=Open[i-1]; ZZ=-1; NZig=i;  } }
if(i==ArrayMaximum(SM,LBar-RBar+1,RBar)) {
if(ZZ==1 && SM[i]>SM[NZag]) { 
if(i>=Pos+SRZZ && NZZ<4) STF[NZZ]=i; Dn[NZag-1]=0; Dn[i-1]=Open[i-1]; 
NZag=i; } if(ZZ==-1) { if(i>=Pos+SRZZ && NZZ<4) { NZZ++; STF[NZZ]=i; } 
Dn[i-1]=Open[i-1]; ZZ=1; NZag=i; } } i++; if(i>LBZZ) return; } 
nSBZZ=Bars-STF[4]; return; }
void ArrCalc() { int i,j,k,n,z=0; double p, b;
i=LBZZ; while(LZZ[i]==0) i--; j=i; p=LZZ[i]; i--; while(LZZ[i]==0) i--; 
if(LZZ[i]>p) z=1; if(LZZ[i]>0 && LZZ[i]<p) z=-1; p=LZZ[j]; i=j-1;  
while(i>0) { if(LZZ[i]>p) { z=-1; p=LZZ[i]; }
if(LZZ[i]>0 && LZZ[i]<p) { z=1;  p=LZZ[i]; }
if(z>0 && Dn[i]>0) { Lmt[i]=Open[i]; Dn[i]=0; }
if(z<0 && Up[i]>0) { Lmt[i]=Open[i]; Up[i]=0; }
if(z>0 && Up[i]>0) { if(i>1) { j=i-1; k=j-SRZZ+1; if(k<0) k=0; 
n=j; while(n>=k && Dn[n]==0) { pUp[n]=Up[i]; pDn[n]=0; n--; } } 
if(i==1) pUp[0]=Up[i]; } 
if(z<0 && Dn[i]>0) { if(i>1) { j=i-1; k=j-SRZZ+1; if(k<0) k=0; 
n=j; while(n>=k && Up[n]==0) { pDn[n]=Dn[i]; pUp[n]=0; n--; } } 
if(i==1) pDn[0]=Dn[i]; } 
i--; } return; }
void deinit() { 
return; }
int init() { IndicatorBuffers(8);
SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_ARROW,EMPTY,2); SetIndexArrow(0,251);
if(DrawZZ) {
SetIndexEmptyValue(1,0.0); }
else SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_NONE);
SetIndexBuffer(2,SA); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_NONE);
SetIndexBuffer(3,SM); SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_NONE);
SetIndexBuffer(4,Up); SetIndexStyle(4,DRAW_ARROW,EMPTY,1);
SetIndexArrow(4,233); SetIndexEmptyValue(4,0.0);
SetIndexBuffer(5,Dn); SetIndexStyle(5,DRAW_ARROW,EMPTY,1);
SetIndexArrow(5,234); SetIndexEmptyValue(5,0.0);
SetIndexBuffer(6,pUp); SetIndexStyle(6,DRAW_ARROW);
SetIndexArrow(6,217); SetIndexEmptyValue(6,0.0);
SetIndexBuffer(7,pDn); SetIndexStyle(7,DRAW_ARROW);
SetIndexArrow(7,218); SetIndexEmptyValue(7,0.0); return(0); }
int start() { int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); int limit,i,j,n;
if(counted_bars<0) return(-1); if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
if(First==true) { 
if(SR<2) SR=2; if(Bars<=2*(MainRZZ+FP+SR+2)) return(-1); 
if(SRZZ<=SR) SRZZ=SR+1; MaxBar=Bars-(MainRZZ+FP+SR+2);
LBZZ=MaxBar; SBZZ=LBZZ; prevBars=Bars; First=false; }
limit=Bars-counted_bars; for(i=limit;i>=0;i--) { MainCalculation(i); }
if(prevBars!=Bars) { SBZZ=Bars-nSBZZ; LBZZ=Bars-nLBZZ; prevBars=Bars; } 
SZZCalc(0); LZZCalc(0); ArrCalc(); return(0); }

Any help for the indicator problem i am facing

You need to access from your EA to indicator buffers using iCustom.

What is not clear?

If you don't know how to do that you can:

  • Search and study by yourself how to do it
  • Pay someone on Freelance section to do it
Here we can discuss about issues but not coding stuff for free for users that never treid to do that.
Fabio Cavalloni:

You need to access from your EA to indicator buffers using iCustom.

What is not clear?

If you don't know how to do that you can:

  • Search and study by yourself how to do it
  • Pay someone on Freelance section to do it
Here we can discuss about issues but not coding stuff for free for users that never treid to do that.
Refer me any good material for study
Vijay Akash T P:
Refer me any good material for study


Fabio Cavalloni:


Vijay Akash T P:
For example
 double val=iBullsPower(NULL,0,13,PRICE_CLOSE,0)
I got this code, I know to write this code.
Correct me If I am wrong
bool buy = val < iClose(NULL,0,0);
bool sell = val > iClose(Null,0,1);
Like this I am unable to write book condition for 
The custom indicator. I am trying for last 7 days, the indicator draws about 12 to 13 arrows for each buy and sell condition. I just want to enter trade on the 3rd arrow of buy or sell

Kindly request you to help in this

Bulls power indicator return a values that has nothing to do with symbol price.

BullsPower>Close has a totally no sense.

Close[1] > iMA(NULL,0,14,PRICE_CLOSE,1) can be a check for the last candle that close above MA.

iBullsPower(NULL,0,13,PRICE_CLOSE,1) > iBullsPower(NULL,0,13,PRICE_CLOSE,2)  check that on the latest closed candle the Bulls power has a greater value than the previous one.

Codebase is full of free code that you can check for better understand how to start coding.

Fabio Cavalloni:

Bulls power indicator return a values that has nothing to do with symbol price.

BullsPower>Close has a totally no sense.

Close[1] > iMA(NULL,0,14,PRICE_CLOSE,1) can be a check for the last candle that close above MA.

iBullsPower(NULL,0,13,PRICE_CLOSE,1) > iBullsPower(NULL,0,13,PRICE_CLOSE,2)  check that on the latest closed candle the Bulls power has a greater value than the previous one.

Codebase is full of free code that you can check for better understand how to start coding.

Correct. Like this if you can the code for the custom indicator I attached earlier I would be grateful bro
Vijay Akash T P:
Correct. Like this if you can the code for the custom indicator I attached earlier I would be grateful bro

Are you able to read what I wrote 5 minutes ago to you in post #2 ?

Vijay Akash T P:
Any help for the indicator problem i am facing

Some Coder Pro can help me in this issue. Please