Find the biggest, 2nd biggest and 3rd biggest orders in Profit in Orderstotal()



Can anybody help me please ?

I know how to find the biggest order in Profit using a for loop.

But i dont know how to find the 2nd and 3rd biggest orders in profit.

Thanks in advance,



Find the biggest order and save its ticket to a variable.

Find again the biggest order with ticket != from that variable and save its ticket to a new variable.

Find again the biggest order with ticket != from that 2 variables.

You found the 3rd biggest order.

Show us how u find the biggest order then we will work from there
double BiggestProfit()          
    double Profit = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i <= OrdersTotal(); i = i + 1)
    if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
     if(OrderProfit() > Profit)
      Profit         =  OrderProfit();
      BiggestTicket  =  OrderTicket();

Hi Guys,

This gives me the biggest profit.

Thx in advance.



Now after the first run we have biggest profit and that order number is i. So we save i as biggest. 

So we run it again and skip this time with line 

if(i == biggest) 

Then we get second 

Re run loop with line 

if(i== second || i == biggest)

Done. So we have loop 

int biggest, second, third;
//Equal them to 0

Your_Function(&biggest, &second,&third)
while (third==0)

//This is just a logic idea and is not order to syntax wise I hope u see the solution. Though there better and faster ways