Bug with 3 day swap in the Tester

Hello everybody,

I think I found a bug in the tester about the 3-day-swap. The 3-day-swap is Wednesday. If the day changes from Tuesday to Wednesday I am charged the triple swap and if the day changes from Wednesday to Thursday I am charged for the triple swap again. Is this a bug or correct? If it is an error where can you report it?

Topper Harley
Contact your broker.
Marco vd Heijden:
Contact your broker.

Hi Marco,

as I mentioned before the problem is in the tester and I use the data of the MetaQuotes-demo.

Hello everybody,

I think I found a bug in the tester about the 3-day-swap. The 3-day-swap is Wednesday. If the day changes from Tuesday to Wednesday I am charged the triple swap and if the day changes from Wednesday to Thursday I am charged for the triple swap again. Is this a bug or correct? If it is an error where can you report it?

Topper Harley
Please provide the details to demonstrate your issue.
Alain Verleyen:
Please provide the details to demonstrate your issue.

Hi Alain,

What I was trying to find out was when the 3 day swap occurs. The swap is always collected at midnight. If the 3 day swap day is on Wednesday will it be calculated at midnight from Tuesday to Wednesday or at midnight from Wednesday to Thursday. So I built a small EA which opens a long position on OnInit and wait. What I found out was that it charges me triple swap from Tuesday to Wednesday and from Wednesday to Thursday. I consider this a bug.

My Tester Setup:



















Hi Alain,

What I was trying to find out was when the 3 day swap occurs. The swap is always collected at midnight. If the 3 day swap day is on Wednesday will it be calculated at midnight from Tuesday to Wednesday or at midnight from Wednesday to Thursday. So I built a small EA which opens a long position on OnInit and wait. What I found out was that it charges me triple swap from Tuesday to Wednesday and from Wednesday to Thursday. I consider this a bug.

Please prove that affirmation.