My alerts are only reporting 1 symbol pair. USDCHF Please help

Hello, first time posting here. In fact this is my first time connecting my alerts to my mobile phone. So, I'm using <Deleted> for my signals. I'm pretty new to using it. I'm using it on my demo account. So I've got it all connected and it's working swell. All except for the fact that when the alerts appear on my phone they only come up as USDCHF. On the PC its working fine meaning the difference currency pairs are popping up. I'm thinking that because the dashboard is actually open on a plain USDCHF chart that's the reason  all the alert are popping up saying they are all USDCHF. HOW CAN I FIX THIS? 
Contact the developer and ask him to fix his code.
Marco vd Heijden:
Contact the developer and ask him to fix his code.
Yeah, I just sent them a message. Was hoping it was something that I could fix on my own.