Losing Confidence in the Market Place


When you pay money for an indicator, it is not wrong to expect it to work properly. I am finding that the market has products for sale which have bugs. This is unacceptable. 

Worse, there is no refund policy as far as I know, to protect customers from bad products listed in the market. I guess it is a Buyer Beware situation! Very sad! 


When you pay money for an indicator, it is not wrong to expect it to work properly. I am finding that the market has products for sale which have bugs. This is unacceptable. 

Worse, there is no refund policy as far as I know, to protect customers from bad products listed in the market. I guess it is a Buyer Beware situation! Very sad! 

If no 'demo' version available for the Product of interest you can Always ask developer for a trial - then you will have the chance to really test if it works out alright before you do a purchase.
same applies to coders/developers in the Freelance section. Very low quality and only a few experienced programmers available for hire.
same applies to coders/developers in the Freelance section. Very low quality and only a few experienced programmers available for hire.

That is unfair to tar all with the same brush.

Some are low quality, I'll admit. It really is a shame that anyone can apply for jobs in Freelance without some proof of their abilities.

It annoys me when I see people who do work in Freelance asking very basic questions in the forum.

quality has its price


But since Service Desk is slow to unavailable, arbitration process is broken, nothing to complain here ....
Keith Watford:

That is unfair to tar all with the same brush.

Some are low quality, I'll admit. It really is a shame that anyone can apply for jobs in Freelance without some proof of their abilities.

It annoys me when I see people who do work in Freelance asking very basic questions in the forum.

Maybe perform some kind of skills test and be approved before applying to any job in freelance…...
I dont disagree ,but try looking in the description and overview ,even in the comment section ,some vendors offer custom made demo versions due to the limited functionality-narrow testing field of the default marketplace demo.