How to generate array(7,9,4) dimensions?

Hello i am new in MQL4 coding. I really want to create my own ea at MQL4. But there are some problems i have faced. How to generate array with (7,9,4) dimensions/with 7 rows. each these rows contains rows and 4 columns/? Each elements must be random from uniform distribution.
woohee How to generate array with (7,9,4)

Perhaps you should read the manual. type name[7][9][4];

i can not find that bro
William Roeder:

Perhaps you should read the manual. type name[7][9][4];

that array's elements must be from uniform distribution with randomly generated
woohee: that array's elements must be from uniform distribution with randomly generated

You asked how to generate an array — answered.

Now you are asking how to fill the array. Go through the three dimensions and set each element with your distribution.
          Random number generator within range in mql5 - MQL5 programming forum


Neural Net weights :D initialization ?

         double r_step=32767/2;//0 to 2.0
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