Problem in SendMail


Hi everyone
Everything is right in the email test section
And I get the email test in my email
But in coding I think I'm wrong and I don't get an email from an expert.

int start()

double b1_shift1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"MAMA",FastLimit,SlowLimit,0,1);

double b2_shift1=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"MAMA",FastLimit,SlowLimit,1,1);

double b1_shift2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"MAMA",FastLimit,SlowLimit,0,2);

double b2_shift2=iCustom(Symbol(),0,"MAMA",FastLimit,SlowLimit,1,2);


 if(b1_shift1>b2_shift1 && b1_shift2<b2_shift2)
 Alert("buy signal");
 SendMail("Signal","Buy Signal At:"+Symbol()+" At:"+TimeToStr(Time[0],TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS));
 if(b1_shift1<b2_shift1 && b1_shift2>b2_shift2)
 Alert("sell signal");
 SendMail("Signal","Sell Signal At:"+Symbol()+" At:"+TimeToStr(Time[0],TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS));


I think my codes are right for email.
But I have a question
Can't get email in strategy
tester ?


Can't get email in strategy tester ?

Read the documentation.

Keith Watford:

Read the documentation.


in the Strategy tester we cannot receive email
But it gets email in the demo account
Thanks friends