How to get rid of duplicated characters in a string - page 2


dude!! reading your code worth an entire class to me!! that was incredible and worked well. as you guessed, I tried it in RTL too and it works as awesome as it does in LTR. 

thanks man. I appreciate your time.

No problem :)


even shorter:

string StringRemoveDuplicates(string source)
   for (int n=0;n<StringLen(source)-1;n++)
      while (StringFind(source,StringSubstr(source,n,1),n+1)!=-1)
   return source;
well alain. you are always in help. for a better solution, what do I need to compare two characters? can you help me out?

In the meantime I think you get enough answers from others ;-)

May I ask what is the use case for this ? Why do you need to remove duplicate characters from a string ?

Alain Verleyen:

In the meantime I think you get enough answers from others ;-)

May I ask what is the use case for this ? Why do you need to remove duplicate characters from a string ?

it might sound a little silly but... well I happen to know some astrologists and they came with an idea about the probability of using their knowledge in trade. 

it is a free run and I am following their instructions to put their strategy in test. 

hence the lunar calendar ?

even shorter:


you guys would never stop amazing me right??!

this experience was so sweet to me that  I would start to randomly ask some questions just to see you guys coming with awesome solutions. it is a complete class and opportunity of learning for me.

Lorentzos Roussos:
hence the lunar calendar ?


and even RTL letters. I am almost in middle of the work and it is about 1000 line of code already :D

Well done .+ Interesting 
Lorentzos Roussos:
Well done .+ Interesting 

Thanks brother.

your guide was a splendid help to me ^__^


Thanks brother.

your guide was a splendid help to me ^__^

Actually, I am wondering what is the exact specification you want.

Because the code provided by @Chris70 is bugged (for sure).

And the one provided by @Lorentzos Roussos maybe too

 TEST 1 : ahjzhhhz8128 => ajhz128 (Chris) : ahjz812 (Lorentzos)

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