Help for gride prices .....


Hi Friends ...

How to get prices for this axis

Thanks for your help


Hi Friends ...

How to get prices for this axis

Thanks for your help


you can start with this chart operations...

double priceMin=ChartGetDouble(0,CHART_PRICE_MIN,0); 
double priceMax=ChartGetDouble(0,CHART_PRICE_MAX,0); 


thanks for answering

what i want is in the picture bellow


         double max_price  = ChartGetDouble(0,CHART_PRICE_MAX);
         double min_price  = ChartGetDouble(0,CHART_PRICE_MIN);
         long chart_height = ChartGetInteger(0,CHART_HEIGHT_IN_PIXELS);      
         SetHlines("Max",0 ,max_price, 1 ,0 , clrRed) ;
         SetHlines("Min",0 ,min_price, 1 ,0 , clrRed) ;