Trying to get verified as Seller, Moderators not responding for 2 weeks. Should I open a new account and start the process again?



I have been waiting about 2 weeks for a response to my message from the moderators of this website. However my documents have not been verified despite me sending them 2 weeks ago. Should I just make a new account and start the process again so that it goes to the accounts team? I am not sure why it takes so long to verify one document or even just to respond to my messages.


Duncan Marsh:


I have been waiting about 2 weeks for a response to my message from the moderators of this website. However my documents have not been verified despite me sending them 2 weeks ago. Should I just make a new account and start the process again so that it goes to the accounts team? I am not sure why it takes so long to verify one document or even just to respond to my messages.


2 week is not that long. Service desk has been very slow recently.

Are you sure that you have completed the application properly?

Open a new account and you may be banned.


Thanks for the reply.

I was originally rejected because I had documentation that was expired so I uploaded new updated documentation. 

When you say Service desk is slow, does that include responding to messages? I was hoping to see at least a reply from them so I can get an idea on how long things will take.

Thanks for the advice Keith


As far as I know the registration process is fully automated and service desk only gets involved if there are problems.

It seems that almost everyone has problems and the service desk are inundated. So yes, they can be slow responding to messages.

Ah well, I guess I will just have to wait then. Thanks Keith
I also had this problem and was involved in registering and submitting all kinds of documents for over a month until the posting section was removed from my page and my account was not approved.
Now I had to create a new account and submit documents
Now the documents have been approved but it is said that within the next 2 months I will be allowed to sell the products if I work in the forums !!!