CustomBookAdd Ajuda - page 2


I update the DOM, every second with new data. It rarely works within the UI however, the Time and sales (ticks) works fine. Why would there be a delay for the DOM UI to update?

The tick data is generated from the updated book_array values. If the DOM didn't update, then tick data would not be present

torytory #:

Tick_FLAG issues. Below is the int value that is assigned based on the ENUM TICK_FLAG ( not documented for some reason). 

TICK_FLAG_BID = (2)  tick has changed a Bid price

TICK_FLAG_ASK  = (4) a tick has changed an Ask price

TICK_FLAG_LAST = (8) a tick has changed the last deal price

TICK_FLAG_VOLUME = (16) a tick has changed a volume

TICK_FLAG_BUY = (32) a tick is a result of a buy deal

TICK_FLAG_SELL = (64) a tick is a result of a sell deal

Image below includes assigning the CustomTickAdd the flag of Bid and Ask, however, the time and sales comes back as type NA. 

Then I try the Tick Tag Buy and Sell with the same results

 You can tell what the flag is by the "Flag" number within the Print. Any help would be much appreciated. 

I have a clue how to use the flags, but I don't know if it solves the N/A... the flag can be used as a sum of the existing flags.


56 = 32+16+8 = tick is a Buy, changed volume on ASK (obviously last price is ASK).

88 = 64+16+8 = tick is a Sell, changed volume on the BID (obviously the last price is the BID)