MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester and MQL5 Cloud Network - page 7


Hello MetaQuotes,

I have read the articles related to MQL5 Cloud Network, read stuff on and still didn't get explicit answers to some the questions that had come to my mind:

1. 1 credit = ?? 1 USD? 1EUR? How to "translate" it to a real currency?

2. To get the agents working, do I need to have a static IP address, visible from the internet? Or e.g. is it OK if I have WLAN at home and my PCs have local IP adresses starting with 192.168.x.x, whereas only the router has IP adress?

3. Considering my home network setup mentioned in above point, would it be OK for agents if I changed my WLAN settings to DHCP?

4.  How to tell the difference between the certain CPUs with relation to their PR indicator? E.g. in my laptop I have got Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 @ 2.10 GHz, but I could easily get several PCs with quad core Xeon processors - however there is no way for me to tell if the difference in the PR would be significant enough to bother, because there is no benchmark tool.

Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
Connect to the MQL5 Cloud Network (Cloud Computing) and earn extra income around the clock — there is much work for you computer!

Hello MetaQuotes,

4.  How to tell the difference between the certain CPUs with relation to their PR indicator? E.g. in my laptop I have got Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 @ 2.10 GHz, but I could easily get several PCs with quad core Xeon processors - however there is no way for me to tell if the difference in the PR would be significant enough to bother, because there is no benchmark tool.

I can tell you that testing various CPU's I'm not sure how they are calculating PR.  Systems that I have left to dedicate to whatever the Tester will throw at it do not have a stable PR rating, and the PR rating for several systems are lower than they should.  One of my systems is a i7-3960x clocked @5GHZ with a PR at times lower then a 2.3ghz i7 laptop running the tester in a VM.

Hello MetaQuotes,

1. 1 credit = ?? 1 USD? 1EUR? How to "translate" it to a real currency?

2. To get the agents working, do I need to have a static IP address, visible from the internet? Or e.g. is it OK if I have WLAN at home and my PCs have local IP adresses starting with 192.168.x.x, whereas only the router has IP adress?

3. Considering my home network setup mentioned in above point, would it be OK for agents if I changed my WLAN settings to DHCP?

4.  How to tell the difference between the certain CPUs with relation to their PR indicator? E.g. in my laptop I have got Intel Core 2 Duo T6500 @ 2.10 GHz, but I could easily get several PCs with quad core Xeon processors - however there is no way for me to tell if the difference in the PR would be significant enough to bother, because there is no benchmark tool.

1. Yes, 1 credit = $1 USA.

2. You don't need to have a static IP. It is enough if your router IP is visible from Internet. Of course, your WLAN must allow your agents/PCs go out through router.

3. Why not? The PS with dynamical IP can be used by tester agents to work with MQL5 Cloud network.

4. You can see PR of your agents in your Profile.

See also

Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Distributed Computing MQL5 Cloud Network
Frequently asked questions concerning MetaTester 5 Agents Manager - MQL5 Cloud Network

Wow i7-3960x@5GHz thats a one hell'a of sick system you goth there! :Thumbs UP: :D

How do you cool it? do you have any forum article?

To Enigma: OK, Rosh was first.

1. Until this I was able to withdraw same amount as those credits are in US dollars.

2. I got router behind in front of me, And i didn't specialy open ports, it just works by it's own.

3. Maybe you just need system restart and new settings might just work.

4. I'm not 100% sure, but PR100 might be that Q9300@2.5ghz what they have. Anyways, if they not making it official,maybe they trying to adjust. Anyways I think to PR to be precise, that cpu need's to get more work, to tell actual or avarage PR. 

BTW: Seems like everybody have that money making hype now. :D Since there ain't so much jobs around, you shoud not hope for any pay, just be fan of the cloud as a nice idea. All I can say, don't turn off those agents yet, there will come that day, that I will need them all.


1. Yes, 1 credit = $1 USA.

2. You don't need to have a static IP. It is enough if your router IP is visible from Internet. Of course, your WLAN must allow your agents/PCs go out through router.

3. Why not? The PS with dynamical IP can be used by tester agents to work with MQL5 Cloud network.

4. You can see PR of your agents in your Profile.

See also

Thanks for a quick answer, Rosh. Regarding 4. - I was rather wondering about some benchmark tool that community members could use to determine it on their own before adding agents.

Just one more question came to my mind:

 5. How does the agent amount displayed on the correspond to the amounts shown in strategy tester? E.g. right now I can see the following:

 Agents shown in tester

where as the website shows:

 Agents shown on the website


Is it related to grouping the agents in pools? 


 5. How does the agent amount displayed on the correspond to the amounts shown in strategy tester? E.g. right now I can see the following:

where as the website shows:

Is it related to grouping the agents in pools? 

You will get answer from the article Speed Up Calculations with the MQL5 Cloud Network
You will get answer from the article Speed Up Calculations with the MQL5 Cloud Network
You will get answer from the article Speed Up Calculations with the MQL5 Cloud Network



That doesn't exactly explain the calculations or the variations of the calculations.  I have several of the highest end i7 systems and get a PR just slightly over over basic i7 or i5 systems.  The PR changes drastically at times and nothing on the box changes at all.


Can we get a better understanding of it? 


Could please somebody answer this or redirect me where it was answered?


Which data are used for testing at my computer and which in cloud? From my real account or all data are used from MetaQuotes server? 

How can I recognize where data from my broker ends and data from MetaQuotes starts in the graph of my real account? 

How can I ensure I will only use data from my brokers (real account) and not data downloaded from MetaQuotes?

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Account Properties - Documentation on MQL5

Which data are used for testing at my computer and which in cloud? From my real account or all data are used from MetaQuotes server?

Sure, if you apply for optimization to MQL5 Cloud Network it uses your account data. Read the article Speed Up Calculations with the MQL5 Cloud Network thoroughly, please:

Synchronization in the Cloud and Distribution of History to Agents

Each node of the MQL5 Cloud Network keeps the history of the required symbols and sends it to the agents connected to it on demand. If it has no history of symbol XYZ from broker ABC, then the node automatically downloads the necessary history data from your terminal. Therefore, your terminal should be ready to provide such a story.

We recommend you to run a preliminary single test of a strategy on your computer before you send it to the MQL5 Cloud Network. This approach automatically provides downloading and synchronization of all the required history from a trading server.

As a rule, 4 to 8 agents are installed on a modern computer, but history data are stored in a single folder in the MQL5 Strategy Tester Agent installation directory. All cloud agents installed by one MQL5 Strategy Tester Agent manager, receive the history from this folder. If 8 agents are installed, and they are all available for the MQL5 Cloud Network, the required history is downloaded only once. This allows you to save traffic and hard disk space. Also it is convenient to carry out synchronization between cloud agents and nodes of the distributed computing network.

Thus, all the agents that perform optimization of a trading strategy in a given time interval and on a given symbol are automatically provided with the same synchronized history and market environment.

Also this one can be useful  - The Fundamentals of Testing in MetaTrader 5