MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester and MQL5 Cloud Network - page 5


After rebooting the machine - agent process started to use CPU, but without any trace of that (nothing in log files, 0-es in Strategy Tester Agent Manager, no agents listed in "profile" page). They are certainly calculating (Resource Montitor says so...), but no information or any trace that anything has been done. The community account and password are specified correctly. I also opened a new account, but also this accounts plays dead.

No test runs performed to calculate PR.

I used some cloud power myself, and that got accounted in my profile accounting - meaning that account info in MT5 is correctly specified.

What else could be wrong...?

Well in my case - it doesn't go through firewalls/proxies - so this is the reason for such behavior.

"With the binding to account enabled, the fees for the resources used will be automatically transferred to this account."

Can we know how you guys calculate the fees ?

Does that base on the tests passed ?

If I install it on several my computers, do I get more paid ? How about starting more agents ?



We have taken a major step forward, releasing remote agents for testing trading strategies.

Now we are ready to provide a truly cloud system of distributed testing in the form of MQL5 Cloud Network.

Soon we will release a highly configurable MetaTester with a hybrid operation model:

  • The normal server mode (it opens a local port, the way it works now), which allows to service connections from client terminals
  • The client mode for connecting to MQL5 Network, where an agent periodically applies to geographically close poolers of MQL5 Network, which distribute tasks
  • The built-in scheduler, which allows to easily control the availability of agents during a week

An operation mode can be enabled though MQL5 Network, binding to an account on, or resources can be distributed for free.
With the binding to account enabled, the fees for the resources used will be automatically transferred to this account. You can withdraw them or use them to purchase resources when necessary. For example, you can enable the operation of agents at night, accumulating resources in terms of money earned, and then use a large number of agents in a short period during working hours.

Those who want to provide their resources for free, can choose the appropriate option and connect to MQL5 Network anonymously.

An important feature of the operation of agents in the MQL5 Network mode is that they can go through any proxies and firewalls, since they will create outbound connections via SSL protocol to geographically distributed CDN servers of task manager.


We have taken a major step forward, releasing remote agents for testing trading strategies.

Now we are ready to provide a truly cloud system of distributed testing in the form of MQL5 Cloud Network.

Soon we will release a highly configurable MetaTester with a hybrid operation model:

  • The normal server mode (it opens a local port, the way it works now), which allows to service connections from client terminals
  • The client mode for connecting to MQL5 Network, where an agent periodically applies to geographically close poolers of MQL5 Network, which distribute tasks
  • The built-in scheduler, which allows to easily control the availability of agents during a week

An operation mode can be enabled though MQL5 Network, binding to an account on, or resources can be distributed for free.
With the binding to account enabled, the fees for the resources used will be automatically transferred to this account. You can withdraw them or use them to purchase resources when necessary. For example, you can enable the operation of agents at night, accumulating resources in terms of money earned, and then use a large number of agents in a short period during working hours.

Those who want to provide their resources for free, can choose the appropriate option and connect to MQL5 Network anonymously.

An important feature of the operation of agents in the MQL5 Network mode is that they can go through any proxies and firewalls, since they will create outbound connections via SSL protocol to geographically distributed CDN servers of task manager.

"With the binding to account enabled, the fees for the resources used will be automatically transferred to this account."

Can we know how you guys calculate the fees ?

Does that base on the tests passed ?

If I install it on several my computers, do I get more paid ? How about starting more agents ?

Who knows about it ?

Any calculate rules ?


If I install it on several my computers, do I get more paid ? How about starting more agents ?

Who knows about it ?

Any calculate rules ?

Read news MQL5 Cloud Network: Financial Operations Are Launched in Test Mode

Hi there, apologies if this is a very basic issue that I've overlooked, though I've been tweaking with MT5 agents manager (build 540) for a good few hours and I still cannot receive any data to process. 

I've attached 3 screenshots of my current settings as well as a log. Log indicates that there is a connection to server, however no data being downloaded. Account is registered and have checked profile setting. Appreciate your views. Regards

1.jpg  99 kb
2.jpg  85 kb
3.jpg  116 kb

Hi there, apologies if this is a very basic issue that I've overlooked, though I've been tweaking with MT5 agents manager (build 540) for a good few hours and I still cannot receive any data to process. 

I've attached 3 screenshots of my current settings as well as a log. Log indicates that there is a connection to server, however no data being downloaded. Account is registered and have checked profile setting. Appreciate your views. Regards


Hi rockettrader,

  Apart from the other threads complaining about 540, it looks like the amount of work available has (hopefully only for the time being) plummetted (look at while not logged in to see that the amount of work processed doesn't increase very fast).   

  (You have already done this next bit .. oops)

  For now, if you are worried look in C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester\Tester\Agent-<agent port>\logs  [agent port is e.g. 2000/20001] and then check for a .log file with the current date - if that shows that you are connecting and authorising then you are at least connected and maybe will get some work.  There should be at least 2 entries per minute.

  e.g. "...connected to  22:21:36  

          ...authorized on"

  If you are sitting behind a proxy and not getting through give me a shout, and I'll tell you how to manually edit the manager ini file to add the lines needed to use a proxy [I had to install the client terminal to see how it updated the ini file].


Hi rockettrader,

  Apart from the other threads complaining about 540, it looks like the amount of work available has (hopefully only for the time being) plummetted (look at while not logged in to see that the amount of work processed doesn't increase very fast).   

  (You have already done this next bit .. oops)

  For now, if you are worried look in C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester\Tester\Agent-<agent port>\logs  [agent port is e.g. 2000/20001] and then check for a .log file with the current date - if that shows that you are connecting and authorising then you are at least connected and maybe will get some work.  There should be at least 2 entries per minute.

  e.g. "...connected to  22:21:36  

          ...authorized on"

  If you are sitting behind a proxy and not getting through give me a shout, and I'll tell you how to manually edit the manager ini file to add the lines needed to use a proxy [I had to install the client terminal to see how it updated the ini file].

Hi Turker,


Thank you, yes there does seem to be a slowdown in the workload. I checked my agents in the MQL5 website and I see they are now registered, and doing work, but for some reason I am not earning a profit? What could be the reason for this? I have specified my account in the settings (ref screenshot from previous post and new screenshot to this post). Pls advise?


agents.jpg  73 kb

Hi Turker,


Thank you, yes there does seem to be a slowdown in the workload. I checked my agents in the MQL5 website and I see they are now registered, and doing work, but for some reason I am not earning a profit? What could be the reason for this? I have specified my account in the settings (ref screenshot from previous post and new screenshot to this post). Pls advise?



  Well a machine with 100PR makes 1c an hour (Ref  that hour could complete a few big tasks or hundreds of smaller tasks - check your main window and see the time taken [only accurate to minutes].  Alternatively check in the log file for the time taken (measured in mili seconds) .. you possibly don't even have a minute yet.  And if you want to see the total time an agent has been busy look at the common.ini file under each agents directory for Cloud time (I suspect thats the right one).

MQL5 Cloud Network: Financial Operations Are Launched in Test Mode
We have taken a new step towards MQL5 Cloud Network and MQL5.

Hi, I'm trying to use Cloud Network to optimize an EA,

when it says "processing" on the status, it's super faster than all my agents, I love it.

But now all of agents on Cloud Network says "authorized" and doing nothing...

I still have $105.98 in my account.

How can I make it "processing"?



Is it capable for multi client on one account?

I have a couple MT5s on a couple computers, can I use same account to pay for Agents from all of them simultaneously?