Can no longer apply for freenlance jobs ?



for 2-3 days my ability to apply for freelance jobs has been canceled. I have 7 opened jobs, I am working on(simply i got no answer for months on a couple of them), I can confirm further steps for them, but can no longer apply for other jobs ? Is this due to some max jobs capacity per developer or some other issue ? 

I would be thankful if someone shares some info on this !

Best Regards


Yes, 7 not finished jobs is max allowed limit
maybe you should start finishing,  cancelling or arbitraging your opened jobs for new opportunities.
Soewono Effendi:
maybe you should start finishing,  cancelling or arbitraging your opened jobs for new opportunities.

I am doing it

Alexander Puzanov:
Yes, 7 not finished jobs is max allowed limit

Thank you !