String with horizontal lines


With the latest update, the strings set with ObjectSetString do not work any more with my horizontal lines.



With the latest update, the strings set with ObjectSetString do not work any more with my horizontal lines.


Which build?

Keith Watford:

Which build?

I don't know which build I was using previously, but it was not so older one. There was no problem with the strings appearing just above the horizontal lines.

I formatted my computer and now I have 1220.

Strings with horizontal lines are completely gone.


I don't know which build I was using previously, but it was not so older one. There was no problem with the strings appearing just above the horizontal lines.

I formatted my computer and now I have 1220.

Strings with horizontal lines are completely gone.

I don't have any problem with ObjectSetString().

Show your code.

   In OnTick():
   ObjectCreate(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT); 
   ObjectSetInteger(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1); 
   ObjectSetInteger(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, false);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJPROP_BACK, false);
   ObjectSetString(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJPROP_TOOLTIP, "\n");

   ObjectSetDouble(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJPROP_PRICE, trend_High - 0.003);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJPROP_COLOR, clrSteelBlue);
   ObjectSetString(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJPROP_TEXT, "30 pip çizgisi (% 1.2)");

Previously working code and I've never changed my code after formatting my PC and installing a fresh new MT4 1220.


Lines are drawn without any problem, just the strings do not appear on the horizontal lines at left:

ObjectSetString(0, "yatay_çizgi_30_pip_seviyesi", OBJPROP_TEXT, "30 pip çizgisi (% 1.2)");
Orhun.Alptugay: Previously working code and I've never changed my code after formatting my PC and installing a fresh new MT4 1220.

HLines do not have text. Your code, as written, has never worked.

If you want to see text by hovering over your HLine, put it in the tooltip.

William Roeder:

HLines do not have text. Your code, as written, has never worked.

If you want to see text by hovering over your HLine, put it in the tooltip.

I don't mean tooltips.

Previously, I can see the strings set by the above code on the horizontal lines at the left of the chart, not as a tooltip but as a constant text.


Ok, found it.

Just turn on "show object descriptions" check box on the "common" tab of the chart properties window.

Thanks to all.


And just injected it in my code:

ChartSetInteger(0, CHART_SHOW_OBJECT_DESCR, true);