Webmoney Alternative withdrawal payments - page 8

We are waiting, yet....
Ahmed Saeed Khattab:
Same here , I can't use any of them

Man , You are Egyptian ?! Paypal is available to Egypt but you will not be able to withdraw funds from it unless you add valid Visa card to your account   , Epayments is available and is the best way for me . 

Card pay .. if you don't have plastic Visa you can simply go to any post office and request prepaid visa plastic card provided from Egyptian post called "Easy Pay" it will cost you 100EGP and will be deposted to card account as a balance ,it's  issued withing 10 minutes :) and you are ready to go . you can add it to your payola and withdraw funds to it or use card pay to withdraw to it directly . however I prefer Epayments the lowest commiion ever 

Arash Lakzadeh:
We are waiting, yet....

Yes,we are waiting too,for a good news...

Sergey Golubev:

Just some news from MetaQuotes -

Thats a great news sir. Thank you very much.

Sergey Golubev:

Just some news from MetaQuotes -

Thank God.

Seyedfazel Hosseini:

Thank God.

Rather, thank MetaGod.
Sergey Golubev:

Just some news from MetaQuotes -

thanks for informing us bro.

Hello friends. When do you think Webmoney will be added to the site? Is there any reliable news?
Sergey Golubev:

Just some news from MetaQuotes -

Looks like they haven't made a decision yet.