What is going on with MQL5 Payment System? - page 27

Abdullah Haris #:

Whenever i try to with draw this error message shows 

"Bank cards payment system has rejected the withdrawal operation. Please contact the bank that issued your card for details."

does anyone knows what is the problem here?

Not all cards are suitable for crediting money into them, contact your bank about it.

Eleni Anna Branou #:

Not all cards are suitable for crediting money into them, contact your bank about it.

it is an visa debit card i asked the bank ...they said that there is no issue at there end

Carl Schreiber #:
There are bankcards that don't allow such transfers - contact the issuing bank!

can you plz explain what can be the problems with the card?

Abdullah Haris #:

can you plz explain what can be the problems with the card?

there is all type of international transections are allowed on the card  ....

can i use payoneer master card ?
Try it. If nothing works ask the service desk.
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Abdullah Haris #:

Do not post in multiple topics with the same issue.

I have deleted your new post.


Hi, for some countries there is no other choice than bank transfer and the number of these countries is not low.

Why doesn't MQL reduce the limit of bank transfer ?