MetaQuotes-Demo servers down?


I can't access the demo servers and checking to make sure it's not caused by anything on my end...


Use a broker demo account.

Me too. It said: 2019.09.10 09:18:53.606 Network '18103541': connection to MetaQuotes-Demo lost.

If it will be available again later?

Yun Tang He:

Me too. It said: 2019.09.10 09:18:53.606 Network '18103541': connection to MetaQuotes-Demo lost.

If it will be available again later?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Candles Have Disappeared On Chart MT5

Alain Verleyen, 2017.12.02 15:41

You are right. Though Metaquotes itself is confusing people with their "demo" account which is only available to get free beta testers. 

To everyone : Metaquotes is NOT a broker, don't use it unless you know what you are doing. Use a demo account with a real broker, there are plenty.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

New to Trading

Sergey Golubev, 2019.09.07 12:30

Please, find some information below -

1. - User Memo 

2. Where Do I start from? 
3. MetaTrader 5 Help - Trading Platform — User Manual 

4. How to make a search on the forum 

5. MetaTrader 5 Help - Open an Account

6. Find a Server by the Broker's Name:

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