mt4 Vs mt5 lets solve it! - page 2

My experience with MT5 is terrible, the software keeps on crashing and closing. If this won't get fixed I am going back to MT4. I wanted to explore EA trading and write robots on MQL5 but the software is crashing too much. Imagine crashing more than 10 a day while I am writing code without even saving information. Do you guys experience same problem?
DoctorTanzanite #:
My experience with MT5 is terrible, the software keeps on crashing and closing. If this won't get fixed I am going back to MT4. I wanted to explore EA trading and write robots on MQL5 but the software is crashing too much. Imagine crashing more than 10 a day while I am writing code without even saving information. Do you guys experience same problem?
Check your software please. 
The problem can be found there. If not: please show your code here for further help