Change of registration from private to company


Good morning,

long ago I registered on as a private user. Now I would like to turn the registration from a private user into a company.

Is it possible to make this change?

Thank you.

Good day

Fabio Costanzo:

Good morning,

long ago I registered on as a private user. Now I would like to turn the registration from a private user into a company.

Is it possible to make this change?

Thank you.

Good day

Yes, send your request here:

Eleni Anna Branou :

Sì, invia la tua richiesta qui:

Hi, I clicked on the link you sent me but I don't see anything that can make me update the registration data by adding the name of my company and transform the registration from private to company.

When I click on the link I simply see the products I have for sale (indicator and signal). Nothing else.