FileWriteStruct Issue


Hi guys, i am using a struct to save DoM data into a file(TXT), but it has a problem, it is for passing a struct object , not a link or a reference. I tried doing that but didnt work.

I am sending the code if someone can help.

   Datefile file;
      PrintFormat("%s file is available for writing",file_name);
      PrintFormat("File path: %s\\Files\\",TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH));
      //--- first, write the number of signals
      uint write=FileWriteStruct(file_handle,file);
      Print("Write ",write," errro ",GetLastError());
      //--- close the file
      PrintFormat("Data is written, %s file is closed",file_name);
      PrintFormat("Failed to open %s file, Error code = %d",file_name,GetLastError());


Your code is incomplete.

So if you check the documentation carefully,it explained as "The structure should not contain strings, dynamic arrays or virtual functions" at " FileWriteStruct" function section.

So it means,your structure should not contain string data type in its variable stack,

So your structure should be like below:

struct Datefile
   //string            symb;
   double            ask_volume;
   double            bid_volume;
   datetime          tm;

And the :

Should be removed,
Mehrdad Jeddi:


Your code is incomplete.

So if you check the documentation carefully,it explained as "The structure should not contain strings, dynamic arrays or virtual functions" at " FileWriteStruct" function section.

So it means,your structure should not contain string data type in its variable stack,

So your structure should be like below:

And the :

Should be removed,

Thanks for your help

Stanislav Ivanov:

Thanks for your help

You're welcome,