metatrader app on iphone and program on computer



with the app on my iPhone I can choose many stocks

with the metatrader program on my Pc I can choose few titles

example: on my IPhone I can choose ETHUSD, LTCUSD, BRENT, USD.RUB, C.N, KO.N,..... on my PC I can't

(I use the same account)

thank you


You probably didn't add those symbols to your market watchlist. Do you find those symbols if you press ctrl-u ? Add them from there or enter the symbol names directly in the last line of the market watchlist (ctrl-m).
You probably didn't add those symbols to your market watchlist. Do you find those symbols if you press ctrl-u ? Add them from there or enter the symbol names directly in the last line of the market watchlist (ctrl-m).

that's right!

thank you!