Estoy tratando de abrir una cuenta "demo" con MT4 pero al momento de enlazar mi cuenta de Oanda con MT4 solo se abre la pantalla de "esperando actualizacion" y no se abre la pequena Ventana donde tengo que poner mi numero de cuenta y el codigo de practica de MT4 para que me abra los graficos , que puedo hacer para activarla?

Sergio10813841: I am trying to open a "demo" account with MT4 but at the time of linking my Oanda account with MT4 only the "waiting for update" screen opens and the small Window does not open where I have to put my account number and code MT4 practice to open the graphics, what can I do to activate it?
Please post only in English on this forum. Use the automatic translation tool if needed. Use simple language structure when using mechanical translation.

I am trying to open a "demo" account with MT4 but at the time of linking my Oanda account with MT4 only the "waiting for update" screen opens and the small Window does not open where I have to put my account number and code MT4 practice to open the graphics, what can I do to activate it?

You should open demo account by your broker account ,it's not possible do it directly via MT4 opening demo account.