++/-- Illegal operation use on operator overloading ... Why?


Can someone help here ... the operator is overloaded, actually it should work 

//|                                                     PlusPlus.mq5 |

struct STest
         double value;

         double ToDouble()               { return value; }
         //--- Assignment operators
         void operator =  (STest &dec)   { value=dec.ToDouble(); }
         void operator =  (double v)     { value=v; }

         //--- Logical operators
         bool operator == (STest &dec)   { return (value==dec.value); }
         bool operator == (double v)     { return (value==v); }      
         bool operator != (STest &dec)   { return (value!=dec.value); }
         bool operator != (double v)     { return (value!=v); }
         bool operator >= (STest &dec)   { return (value>=dec.value); }
         bool operator >= (double v)     { return (value>=v); }
         bool operator <= (STest &dec)   { return (value<=dec.value); }
         bool operator <= (double v)     { return (value<=v); }
         bool operator >  (STest &dec)   { return (value>dec.value); }
         bool operator >  (double v)     { return (value>v); }
         bool operator <  (STest &dec)   { return (value<dec.value); }
         bool operator <  (double v)     { return (value<v); }
         //--- Arithmetic & binary operators
         void operator -= (STest &dec)   { value-=dec.value; }
         void operator -= (double v)     { value-=v; }
         void operator += (STest &dec)   { value+=dec.value; }
         void operator += (double v)     { value+=v; }
         void operator *= (STest &dec)   { value*=dec.value; }
         void operator *= (double v)     { value*=v; }
         void operator /= (STest &dec)   { value/=dec.value; }
         void operator /= (double v)     { value/=v; }
         void operator ++ (void)         { value+=1; }
         void operator -- (void)         { value-=1; }      

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   STest t;
   t++;        // Illegal operation use ... why?
Doerk Hilger:

Can someone help here ... the operator is overloaded, actually it should work 

Because you didn't define the overload correctly. You need to return an unchanged STest value.
         STest operator++(int)          { STest tmp; tmp=this; value+=1; return(tmp); }
  1.          void operator ++ (void)         { value+=1; }
    That is operator ++t.

  2. Alain gave you t++. Alternatively implement postfix using prefix:
             STest operator++(int)          { STest tmp=this; ++this; return tmp; }
    That is why you should prefer ++x over x++

William Roeder:
  1. That is operator ++t.

Yes but incorrectly defined as it can't be assigned. I don't think it's possible to define it correctly with a struct as a pointer should be returned.

Alain Verleyen: Yes but incorrectly defined as it can't be assigned. I don't think it's possible to define it correctly with a struct as a pointer should be returned.

Agreed. If it was a class, I'd have a dozen additional comments as const correctness, and returning pointer to self for chaining, etc. But it's not, so I didn't.


Thx guys.


By the way, is there a possibility to get this done with overloading / cast operator overloading?

STest t;
double v=t;     // "=" Illegal operation
Doerk Hilger:

By the way, is there a possibility to get this done with overloading / cast operator overloading?

I don't think it's possible currently in mql.
That would require operator double(). Not listed at: MQL5 Reference → Language Basics → Functions → Operation Overloading
Alain Verleyen:
Because you didn't define the overload correctly. You need to return an unchanged STest value.

This is only partially correct. You should not return a value from a self mutating operator. As such, the operator should be define as follows:

struct STest {
   double value;
   STest(double n) {
      this.value = n;
   void operator ++ (int) { 
      this.value += 1.0; 
void OnStart() {
   STest t = 1;