draw trendline


how can i draw more than one trendline on chart.

i'm using the ObjectCreate function to draw trendlines on chart.

If i draw one trendline with this function and then use the same function again in order to create a second trendline, the first trendline disapears and only the new trendline can be seen.

some one can help me?? thanks!!!

Documentation on MQL5: Object Functions / ObjectCreate
  • www.mql5.com
Object Functions / ObjectCreate - Documentation on MQL5

how can i draw more than one trendline on chart.

i'm using the ObjectCreate function to draw trendlines on chart.

If i draw one trendline with this function and then use the same function again in order to create a second trendline, the first trendline disapears and only the new trendline can be seen.

some one can help me?? thanks!!!

Do you use the same name for the object?
Do you use the same name for the object?
omfg how could i be so blind i looked and looked again to find some id parameter and it always have been there . thank you very much. problem solved