ChartIndicatorAdd bug on MT5 ?


Hi everybody,

I found a strange behavior on MT5 with ChartIndicatorAdd function :

  - in my EA, a use ChartIndicatorAdd function and the indicator is showed perefctly on the chart (with the good parameters "Apply" at [Median Price])

  - I change the Period of the Chart (for exemple from Daily to H4)

  - The indicator parameter "Apply" has changed to [Close] !!

Is there something wrong with ChartIndicatorAdd function ?

Thx for your reply,


Erwann Pannerec:

Hi everybody,

I found a strange behavior on MT5 with ChartIndicatorAdd function :

  - in my EA, a use ChartIndicatorAdd function and the indicator is showed perefctly on the chart (with the good parameters "Apply" at [Median Price])

  - I change the Period of the Chart (for exemple from Daily to H4)

  - The indicator parameter "Apply" has changed to [Close] !!

Is there something wrong with ChartIndicatorAdd function ?

Thx for your reply,


Please show all the relevant code to reproduce this issue.


Here is the code you just have to copy in a new EA :

//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)

      MqlParam params[10];
      params[0].type = TYPE_STRING;params[0].string_value = "Examples\\Custom Moving Average.ex5";
      params[1].type = TYPE_INT;params[1].integer_value = 9;
      params[2].type = TYPE_INT;params[2].integer_value = 0;
      params[3].type = TYPE_INT;params[3].integer_value = 2;
      params[4].type = TYPE_INT;params[4].integer_value = 5;
      int my_handle = IndicatorCreate(NULL,0,IND_CUSTOM,5,params);

I provide EA in attached document.

You just have to launch EA in a new graphic and press any Key (that create indicator and add it into chart) :

After, just change the Timeframe of the Chart and here is the result :

Try several times this procedure because sometimes the problem doesn't appear...

Any idea ?



Erwann Pannerec:

Any idea ?

I can replicate the problem.

A work-around is to delete the indicator in OnDeinit(), then re-create it by pressing a key again.

ChartIndicatorDelete(0,0,"Custom Moving Average");

Yes, it could be a solution. I hope this bug will be corrected soon...