
How to change laberage in my signal  acout
I was change lavarage in my acount fbs but in my signal acount not be change
Afief Ahmad Furachman:
How to change laberage in my signal  acout
I was change lavarage in my acount fbs but in my signal acount not be change

No such words

  1. laberage
  2. acout
  3. lavarage
  4. fbs
  5. acount
Your post is unintelligible. If you are using mechanical translation, you must use simple language structure.
William Roeder:

No such words

  1. laberage
  2. acout
  3. lavarage
  4. fbs
  5. acount
Your post is unintelligible. If you are using mechanical translation, you must use simple language structure.
English is not the first language for most of us. I understand it can be frustrating for some native/advanced speakers when the language is "butchered". I believe @Afief Ahmad Furachman wants to update the leverageof her signal  after having updated the leverage on her account with FBS  (broker).
Afief Ahmad Furachman:
How to change laberage in my signal  acout
I was change lavarage in my acount fbs but in my signal acount not be change

Edit signal, click update under Leverage.

Afief Ahmad Furachman:
How to change laberage in my signal  acout
I was change lavarage in my acount fbs but in my signal acount not be change

If you changed the leverage of your account, it will be reflected soon at your MQL5 signal page.

It takes some time, so be patient.