Problem with MQL5 Cloud network


hello guys, I am trying to optimize my EA I ordered in freelance, but after the first 500-504 steps the process goes infinitely slow. The cash is going out from my account with light speed but the processing of the optimization is taking forever, can anyone give some sort of advice how to optimize EA faster ?

I begun to think I am doing something wrong

the way I understand optimization (I am a noob, so treat me gently :P) the more parameters taken into account at same time gives better and more reliable results, while optimizing one parameter at a time can give false results

so I am in the situation where from 10496 steps it only made 700 after 13 hours. if i stop it and restart it it will make 500 steps fast in 3 minutes or so and then will again slow down like hell. problem is that starting and stoping is not a solution because steps will go beyond 10496

obviously I am doing something wrong, please advise how I should optimize my EA the right way


hello guys, I am trying to optimize my EA I ordered in freelance, but after the first 500-504 steps the process goes infinitely slow. The cash is going out from my account with light speed but the processing of the optimization is taking forever, can anyone give some sort of advice how to optimize EA faster ?

I begun to think I am doing something wrong

the way I understand optimization (I am a noob, so treat me gently :P) the more parameters taken into account at same time gives better and more reliable results, while optimizing one parameter at a time can give false results

so I am in the situation where from 10496 steps it only made 700 after 13 hours. if i stop it and restart it it will make 500 steps fast in 3 minutes or so and then will again slow down like hell. problem is that starting and stoping is not a solution because steps will go beyond 10496

obviously I am doing something wrong, please advise how I should optimize my EA the right way

Get in contact with the developer and sort it out ;)