Getting actual content of comment()


I want to ask you if it is possible to get the actual text written as a result of a call to comment() method.


William Roeder:
If you had read the manual you would know. No. Remember it before the call. Is that so hard?

It is not the case. I have an indicator .ex4 (not the source) and I want to "intercept" within an EA that uses that indicator, when it writes some concrete comment.


Yes you would have to analyze the logfile to find the alert call.

But it won't be easy because there are all kind of entries in the log.

It would be best to contact the developer of the indicator, and see if he or she can add more functionality to send the alert to other programs.

Marco vd Heijden:

Yes you would have to analyze the logfile to find the alert call.

But it won't be easy because there are all kind of entries in the log.

It would be best to contact the developer of the indicator, and see if he or she can add more functionality to send the alert to other programs.

I will try as you suggest, thanks!

William Roeder:
If you had read the manual you would know. No. Remember it before the call. Is that so hard?

If you had read the manual you would know. Yes. Is that so hard?

   string comment=ChartGetString(ChartID(),CHART_COMMENT);
Alain Verleyen: If you had read the manual you would know. Yes.

I wish they had decent release notes, to update my brain to current. I stand corrected.


I didn't read properly i had assumed OP wanted to know the contents of Alert() in stead of Comment() funtion. 

My bad.

Alain Verleyen:

If you had read the manual you would know. Yes. Is that so hard?

That sounds great!