Tester template on Tester Agent of Metatrader 5

did you know if there was a name for a template apart "default.tpl2 "tester.tpl2 and "debulg..tpl" which on metatrader 5 set the parameters on tester agent, but not for the chart selected in the tester setting, but for the other charts which opens when you use a multisymbol charts or you use any other charts date of which the tester agent load its related chart? 



this is the "tester.tpl" template..


this is instead the standard metatrader default or other that appears on tester agent, but I cannot set with a file such as "tester.tpl" or "default.tpl

Francesco Timpanaro:

Hi Francesco,

I´m facing the same problem. Did you find a solution in the meantime? 

Best regards,


Thomas Siegfried Nowotny #:

Hi Francesco,

I´m facing the same problem. Did you find a solution in the meantime? 

Best regards,


exactly my problem.. anyone ?