Metatrader 4 Build 625 - multiple instances problem



I run Metatrader 4 on VPS. My user is not administarator. I can not run more than one instace of MT4. I try install/copy more instances on different folders but it do not work. When I start second instace of MT4 it only reopen the instance which is already running.

Problem is that next instace of MT4 do not create folder in users Appdata. I try everything, but only one folder is created: C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\26EBE5325AF7C5ABCAA83C550A8E5DBC. I try this on two servers but it is the same. My server use Windows 2008 R2 stadart edition.

Thank you very much for your help. 



I run Metatrader 4 on VPS. My user is not administarator. I can not run more than one instace of MT4. I try install/copy more instances on different folders but it do not work. When I start second instace of MT4 it only reopen the instance which is already running.

Problem is that next instace of MT4 do not create folder in users Appdata. I try everything, but only one folder is created: C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\26EBE5325AF7C5ABCAA83C550A8E5DBC. I try this on two servers but it is the same. My server use Windows 2008 R2 stadart edition.

Thank you very much for your help. 

Talk to your VPS provider.
I had 5 MT4 instances running in my VPS.  Of course u need the ram and more CPU but it is running smoothly and well.  I guess this is due to your installation, when installing they will prompt you where to install, do not accept the default, choose maybe c:\program\different name and continue from there.  It will create a different folder in /user/appdata/metaquotes/different..... and you can just use normally.   Though I would advice if you change a new icon for each of your MT4 or it can get confusing :)
I am also using Windows 2008 R2 but datacenter edition, so I guess OS should not be the issue, I also tried multiple instances in Windows 7/8 without issue.  Initially I do face the same issues until I figure out the installation part.

Thank you for advice, but it do not work. Problem is that normal user cannot install programs, so if I set administrator password to allow installation, MT4 create appdata folder for administrator and users appdata is empty. If I run this installation as normal user MT create appdata for normal user - C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\26EBE5325AF7C5ABCAA83C550A8E5DBC. This is some kind of default installation from metaquotes. I can install different broker MT4, but after run MT it open this default metaquotes MT. 

If I copy MT in administrator account (no need to install), after each copy MT create folders in appdata and it works correctly. If I copy as normal user it do not work.

While I was writing this comment I found solution, for somebody who have same problem. Normal user must be set as administrator. Open MT4 as many as needed with this admin privileges - MT create correct appdata folders. After that remove admin privileges to normal user and MT4 work correctly :)

Thanks everybody for help, have a nice day :)