MQL5 site down ... how/why?! - page 2

Eleni Anna Branou:

That would be useful, but I don't know if Metaquotes would consider it.

How to notify them? ... Only help desk is abt financial issues... 
Lauri P:
How to notify them? ... Only help desk is abt financial issues... 

They can read it here.

For me, the site is down very often, like 1 in 30 minutes. It's been annoying but if you experience it, just stop and come back a minute later. Don't know what's going on. And yesterday, yes, forum site was down for +-2 hours around midnight. That was awkward because I returned late from a visit and wanted to study some articles before going to bed, but nothing worked. Maybe the site was down for maintenance but there was no message whatsoever.
For me, the site is down very often, like 1 in 30 minutes. It's been annoying but if you experience it, just stop and come back a minute later. Don't know what's going on. And yesterday, yes, forum site was down for +-2 hours around midnight. That was awkward because I returned late from a visit and wanted to study some articles before going to bed, but nothing worked. Maybe the site was down for maintenance but there was no message whatsoever.
That's very usual since years. I have never seen any professional site doing that. However it can work correctly for weeks.