Demo version of product

Are there any restrictions to creating demo versions of products that can be run in the terminal?
Are there any restrictions to creating demo versions of products that can be run in the terminal?
Hi verdure, the only restriction I know is creativity.
Are there any restrictions to creating demo versions of products that can be run in the terminal?
I noticed, that when submitting a new product I was warned about unacceptable limitations - symbol and time limitations were in that list, and a few more. But I am no longer a seller, so I cannot confirm currently.
I think this restriction apply to the paid products to avoid that you create a indicator vg, and then charge for each pair limiting its scope to single one, but if you look in the market will find the paid with out restrictions and a demo restricted.
I think this restriction apply to the paid products to avoid that you create a indicator vg, and then charge for each pair limiting its scope to single one, but if you look in the market will find the paid with out restrictions and a demo restricted.
No doubt that. Apparently there are many limited demo siblings in the market, and sometimes it is the only way how to demonstrate their operation. Just I noticed the remark, so I replied.

Thanks all...your comments are quite insightful.
