How to code this simple intention


My robot only does correct analysis after a certain time like 30 seconds after starting it. Before that its a mess.

How do I code so that the robot doesnt start working after 30s from starting the bot and not before.

I was thinking using a variable X=TimeCurrent() but it doesnt work inside OnTick() since time is always updating.


My robot only does correct analysis after a certain time like 30 seconds after starting it. Before that its a mess.

How do I code so that the robot doesnt start working after 30s from starting the bot and not before.

I was thinking using a variable X=TimeCurrent() but it doesnt work inside OnTick() since time is always updating.

Use static or global variables:

int secondsToWait = 30
datetime startTime = 0;

int OnInit()
        startTime = TimeCurrent();

void OnTick()
        if (TimeCurrent()-startTime<secondsToWait)


Alternatively, consider that most of the times you get into "a mess" because the indicators you use are not ready, so checking BarsCalculated(<indHandle>) may work too.

Seng Joo Thio:

Use static or global variables:

Alternatively, consider that most of the times you get into "a mess" because the indicators you use are not ready, so checking BarsCalculated(<indHandle>) may work too.

TYVM!!! Have a wonderfull life!