arrow draw only one time why???


hi guys  i try to create a indicator , if  exist some condition must underline a candle  with arrow  and send me allert, but underline work only one time  and  allert work correctly  this is my  code 

if(Candel2>MinCandeLong && Close[CandelPosition1]<Open[CandelPosition1] && Close[CandelPosition2]>Open[CandelPosition2] && High[CandelPosition1]>High[CandelPosition2] && Close[CandelPosition1]<High[CandelPosition1])
         Alert("Allert ",Symbol());
         //AlertCount= 1;


whats wrong??  i find  a condition in candel 0 and  1

thankz at all


I suspect that the call to `ObjectCreate` fails the second time, because an object with the same name already exists.

You could try to add the current time to the name of the object.

Generally it is a good idea to check the return value of functions like ObjectCreate or ObjectSetText.

thankz  is corretc :)