automatic validation no trade operation nightmare


I'm done, I have spent three days on this error and at this point I'm pretty sure that my robot doesn't have  any problem

it prints massages about:

  • Insufficient funds to perform trade operation
  • Invalid volumes in trade operations(min and max volume for each symbol and volume step)
  • no history bars on the chart
  • it doesn't use any sl/tp

the problem is no trade operation has no meaning there is no error number to check I don't know what to look for is it my problem or is it the validation test's problem

last day I passed the check for my indicator with no problem it's just the EA 

this guy says he has tried 20 times for passing the check

someone should answer


Automatic validation - no trading operations
Automatic validation - no trading operations
  • 2019.03.17
I have that problem always: In the first attempt the automatic validation shows: no trading operations...
Your "pretty sure that your robot doesn't have a problem?" Everything you posted is a coding problem.
  • Not controlling risk.
  • Not normalizing lot size
  • Accessing chart before receiving a tick
thank you it was helpful.