I can't sign into MQl5 community using a demo account on MT4 desktop on Ubuntu Linux - page 2


I'd say provided you're not using anything that's making external calls using .dll's etc. then, other than the Market, it should work as expected.
For things that need to make external calls it's just going to come down to how well Wine manages the specific thing you're trying to use, whether it's a specific .dll or .NET etc., most should work, but don't be surprised if it doesn't..

Thanx... do you think I will have a problem sending .csv files to Excel?

I haven't seen the "plent of issues" and I have been using it for a long while. Maybe you can list all the issues. Only the market doesn't work in my own use case.

Try reviewing the system error log.

It will blow your mind.

I can not list them because there are too many.
Marco vd Heijden:

Try reviewing the system error log.

It will blow your mind.

I can not list them because there are too many.

How do I get access to the system error log?


How do I get access to the system error log?

Just look at any of your "Log" files... I would look at your "Experts" - Log file first...ie   C:\Users\miket\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\AE60D32EC2ABAA59BD2B59F2AA0C2CD2\MQL4\Logs... as an example