Simple program to buy on open and sell on close


Hi,  I am trying just to write a code that buys on the open of a candle and sells on the close of that same candle.  Can anyone provide a snipit of a code that does this?

void work_new_bar(void)
   static datetime t_bar=iTime(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,0);
   datetime _time=iTime(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,0);
/* work */

Thanks Konstantin,

How do I implement this?  Where do I place this in the code?


Hi Konstantin, 

The heart of the code is below.  After "golong" I would just want to close the position at the highest value of 3 cases on the same candle (1: bullish candle high, 2: bearish candle close, 3: bearish candle stoploss value).

void OnTick() {

   if (use_trailing) {



   if (close_friday) {



   // if position closed

   if (last_position > PositionsTotal()) checkAlert();


   // check time of current bar to determine new bar comes to run logic

   datetime current_bar = iTime(Symbol(),Period(),0); 


   // if new bar comes

   if (current_bar > last_bar) {

      int firstbearcandle;

      int bodybearcandle;

      int firstbullcandle;

      int bodybullcandle;

      bool golong = false;

      bool goshort = false;

      bool closelong = false;

      double closingprice;

      double MA1;

      double MA2;

      int goodslope;


      if (iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),2) < iClose(Symbol(),Period(),2)){


         else {


      if (iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),2) - iClose(Symbol(),Period(),2) > longbear){


         else {

         bodybearcandle=0; }

      if (iClose(Symbol(),Period(),1) < iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),1)){


         else {


      if (iClose(Symbol(),Period(),1) - iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),1) > longbull){


         else {






      if (MA1>MA2){







      if (firstbearcandle == 1 && bodybearcandle == 1 && firstbullcandle == 1 && bodybullcandle ==1 && goodslope ==1) {

         golong = true;

         closelong = true;}



      // check for opening


     if (golong == true) {



         if (close_on_reverse) closePosition(POSITION_TYPE_SELL);




      if (goshort == true) {



         if (close_on_reverse) closePosition(POSITION_TYPE_BUY);




      // plot dots to figure out the logic

      if (plot_lines) {




         string name;


         name = "firstbearcandle"+cnt;



         ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrCyan);  


         ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_WIDTH,1);  // dot size


         ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_SELECTED,false); // set this TRUE to highlight these dots




   last_position = PositionsTotal();






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Attached is the code.  Lines 167... mention what it is I am trying to do.  Thanks for the help!
#property copyright "Copyright 2019"
#property link      ""

// libraries included for coding routines
#include <Trade\Trade.mqh> 
//#include <MovingAverages.mqh>
#include <initmql4.mqh>

input int contracts = 1; 
input bool close_on_reverse = false;

// for TP and SL step is 0.25

input double takeprofit = 6.0; 
input double stoploss = 3.0; 

//slopes for going short and long

input double shortslope = 1.5;
input double longslope = 1.5;

//bodywidths for long and short positions
 input double longbull = 2;
 input double longbear = 1.5;
 input double shortbull = 2;
 input double shortbear = 1.5;

input ENUM_MA_METHOD averageType = MODE_SMMA;
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES Aggregation = PERIOD_M12;

input bool use_trailing = false;

input double sell_trailing_start = 6.0; 
input double sell_trailing_distance = 5.0; 
input double sell_trailing_step = 1.0; 

input double buy_trailing_start = 6.0; 
input double buy_trailing_distance = 5.0; 
input double buy_trailing_step = 1.0; 

input bool close_friday = true;
input int friday_hour = 20;
input int friday_minute = 55;

input bool plot_lines = true;

input bool alert_on_stoploss = true;
input bool stop_on_alert = true;
input bool open_long = true;
input bool close_long = true;
input bool close_profit_in_pips = true;
input bool close_loss_in_pips = true;

// unique ID of trade
int magic_number = 19042019;
// max acceptable slippage 
int slippage = 3;

datetime last_bar = 0;

//int firstbearcandle, firstbullcandle, bodybullcandle, bodybearcandle;

CTrade trade; 

double global_SL; // uses for "close_on_HL_and_stoploss" option

int cnt = 0; // counter for objects on chart

int last_position = 0;

// Initialization of empty values on start
int OnInit() {
   last_bar = TimeCurrent();

void OnDeinit(const int reason) {
   void work_new_bar(void)
   static datetime t_bar=iTime(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,0);
   datetime _time=iTime(_Symbol,PERIOD_CURRENT,0);
/* work */
void OnTick() {

   if (use_trailing) {

   if (close_friday) {

   // if position closed
   if (last_position > PositionsTotal()) checkAlert();
   // check time of current bar to determine new bar comes to run logic
   datetime current_bar = iTime(Symbol(),Period(),0); 
   // if new bar comes
   if (current_bar > last_bar) {

      int firstbearcandle;
      int bodybearcandle;
      int firstbullcandle;
      int bodybullcandle;
      bool golong = false;
      bool goshort = false;
      bool closelong = false;
      double closingprice;
      double MA1;
      double MA2;
      double ADX1;
      double ADX2;
      int goodslope;
      if (iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),2) < iClose(Symbol(),Period(),2)){
         else {
      if (iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),2) - iClose(Symbol(),Period(),2) > longbear){
         else {
         bodybearcandle=0; }
      if (iClose(Symbol(),Period(),1) < iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),1)){
         else {
      if (iClose(Symbol(),Period(),1) - iOpen(Symbol(),Period(),1) > longbull){
         else {
      if (MA1>MA2){
      if (firstbearcandle == 1 && bodybearcandle == 1 && firstbullcandle == 1 && bodybullcandle ==1 && goodslope ==1) {
         golong = true;
         closelong = true;}
      // check for opening
     if (golong == true) {
 //openBuy will buy at open of next candle.  I want now to be able to close the position at the maximum of the following conditions...
 //1.) at close if candle is long or doji
 //2.) at close if close <=open-stoploss
 //3.) at open-stoploss if open-stoploss is < close.

      // plot dots to figure out the logic
      if (plot_lines) {
         string name;
         name = "firstbearcandle"+cnt;
         ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrCyan);  
         ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_WIDTH,1);  // dot size
         ObjectSetInteger(0,name,OBJPROP_SELECTED,false); // set this TRUE to highlight these dots

   last_position = PositionsTotal();