signal no more available


hi guys...somethings very strage as Signal provider.

As you can see my signal Top mixed trade 4 is no more available and I do not undersatna why? If you try to find it it is not available.

do you have some ideas?



Read the warnings.

where did you read this warning? It is strange because there are several signals available with such big growth....

about drawdown - reply from admin:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Signals Service FAQ

Rashid Umarov , 2015.05.27 12:42

The subscription is prohibited if the current drawdown exceeds 30%.


And this is the warning message made by the automatic warning machine on the left side of your signal - 


I do not know about "drawdown warnings" but most of the wartning messages are posted on monthly basis. It means if you improve something so the automatic warning machine will delete this warning message, and automatic ranking machine will rank your signal and accept it for the subscribers.