Unable to Edit Description for Product


Is anyone else having this issue where you edit the description and click save and it reverts back to the old description?
I gave up on this months ago after trying dozens of times. I tried again tonight a a couple of my products and does the same thing.

Thank you for any help.

The description reverts in the Product editor or the product page ? (or both)
Ive tried with a product that is hidden from market and everything edits ok .
Perhaps hide the product ,edit it and then make it available.
Lorentzos Roussos:
The description reverts in the Product editor or the product page ? (or both)
Ive tried with a product that is hidden from market and everything edits ok .
Perhaps hide the product ,edit it and then make it available.
Reverts in editor after clicking save.
Scott Fredeman:

Is anyone else having this issue where you edit the description and click save and it reverts back to the old description?
I gave up on this months ago after trying dozens of times. I tried again tonight a a couple of my products and does the same thing.

Thank you for any help.

I experienced this today.

This may have happened during server upgrade work.

Also where there are issues ith the text you are adding for example if there are space in paragraphs being copied from other documents into the decription area. I Just remove the spaces and was able to save the text I entered.

Uriel Melliphant:

I experienced this today.

This may have happened during server upgrade work.

Also where there are issues ith the tet you are adding for example if there are space in paragraphs being copied from other documents into the decription area. I Just remove the spaces wa able to save the text I entered.

Hmm , it may be related to the "old" description guidelines (which my tests were performed on a "correct" description old product).
I'll try to draft a description outside of these guidelines and see if it reverts.

EDIT : That appears to be it , good find mr.Melliphant . If i copy-paste styled text into the description editor it reverts back to the old description.
Whereas if you paste text only , or type it , and style it in the editor it will update the description.
Lorentzos Roussos:

Hmm , it may be related to the "old" description guidelines (which my tests were performed on a "correct" description old product).
I'll try to draft a description outside of these guidelines and see if it reverts.

EDIT : That appears to be it , good find mr.Melliphant . If i copy-paste styled text into the description editor it reverts back to the old description.
Whereas if you paste text only , or type it , and style it in the editor it will update the description.

I have tried deleting all of the description and writing it. I tried all sorts of things to make sure it is Plain text and it always reverts back to old description. Driving me crazy.

Scott Fredeman #:

I have tried deleting all of the description and writing it. I tried all sorts of things to make sure it is Plain text and it always reverts back to old description. Driving me crazy.

Hi, did you manage to solve this issue? please share how.. because I am experiencing the same